Windows Dialog Box Shortcut Key Commands

Shortcut KeysFunctions
F1Display Help
F4Display the items in the active list
CTRL + TABMove forward through tabs
CTRL + SHIFT + TABMove back through tabs
CTRL + (NUMBER 1-9)Move to nth tab
TABMove forward through options
SHIFT + TABMove back through options
ALT + Underlined Letter in menus and dialog box optionsPerform the command (or select the option) that goes with that letter
SPACEBARSelect or clear the check box if the active option is a check box
BACKSPACEOpen a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box
ARROW keysSelect a button if the active option is a group of option buttons

Windows Run Dialog Box Key Commands

Shortcut KeysFunctions
hdwwiz.cplAdd Hardware Wizard
appwiz.cplAdd/Remove Programs
control admintoolsAdministrative Tools
wuaucpl.cplAutomatic Updates
fsquirtBluetooth Transfer Wizard
certmgr.mscCertificate Manager
charmapCharacter Map
chkdskCheck Disk Utility
clipbrdClipboard Viewer
cmdCommand Prompt
compmgmt.mscComputer Management
timedate.cplDate and Time Properties
devmgmt.mscDevice Manager
directx.cplDirect X Control Panel
dxdiagDirect X Troubleshooter
cleanmgrDisk Cleanup Utility
dfrg.mscDisk Defragment
diskmgmt.mscDisk Management
diskpartDisk Partition Manager
desk.cplDisplay Properties
drwtsn32Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility
verifierDriver Verifier Utility
eventvwr.mscEvent Viewer
freecellFree Cell Card Game
msheartsHearts Card Game
iexpressIexpress Wizard
inetcpl.cplInternet Properties
ipconfig /allIP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration)
ipconfig /displaydnsIP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents)
ipconfig /flushdnsIP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents)
ipconfig /releaseIP Configuration (Release All Connections)
ipconfig /renewIP Configuration (Renew All Connections)
ipconfig /registerdnsIP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS)
ipconfig /showclassidIP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID)
javawsJava Control Panel (If Installed)
secpol.mscLocal Security Settings
lusrmgr.mscLocal Users and Groups
logoffLogs You Out Of Windows
winmineMinesweeper Game
main.cplMouse Properties
ncpa.cplNetwork Connections
netsetup.cplNetwork Setup Wizard
odbccp32.cplODBC Data Source Administrator
oskOn Screen Keyboard
password.cplPassword Properties
perfmon.mscPerformance Monitor
powercfg.cplPower Configuration
QuickTime.cplQuicktime (If Installed)
regeditRegistry Editor
regedit32Registry Editor
mstscRemote Desktop
ntmsmgr.mscRemovable Storage
sticpl.cplScanners and Cameras
fsmgmt.mscShared Folders
shutdownShuts Down Windows
mmsys.cplSounds and Audio
spiderSpider Solitare Card Game
syseditSystem Configuration Editor
msconfigSystem Configuration Utility
sfc /scannowSystem File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately)
sfc /scanonceSystem File Checker Utility (Scan Once At Next Boot)
sfc /scanbootSystem File Checker Utility (Scan On Every Boot)
sfc /revertSystem File Checker Utility (Return to Default Setting)
sfc /purgecacheSystem File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache)
sfc /cachesize=xSystem File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size to size x)
sysdm.cplSystem Properties
taskmgrTask Manager
telnetTelnet Client
nusrmgr.cplUser Account Management
utilmanUtility Manager
firewall.cplWindows Firewall
magnifyWindows Magnifier
wmimgmt.mscWindows Management Infrastructure
syskeyWindows System Security Tool
wupdmgrWindows Update Launches
tourstartWindows XP Tour Wizard

Win 10 CMD Shortcut Key Commands List

Launching and Managing CMD

Shortcut KeysFunctions
Win + R, then type 'cmd'Run Windows CMD
Win + X, then CStart CMD via Power User Commands
Win + X, then AStart CMD as Administrator via Power User Commands
type 'exit'Exit CMD
Alt + EnterSwitch to full-screen mode. Press again to exit full-screen mode

Select Text (Expanded with Windows 10)

Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl + ASelect all text in line (press again to select all text in CMD including complete screen buffer)
Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow RightExtend selection by on character to the left / to the right
Shift + Control + Arrow Left / Arrow RightExtend selection by on word to the left / to the right
Shift + Arrow Up / Shift + Arrow DownExtend selection by one line down / one line up
Shift + HomeExtend selection to beginning of command. Press again to include the path (e.g. C:\Windows) into selection
Shift + EndExtend selection to the end of the current line
Ctrl + Shift + Home / EndExtend selection to the beginning/ to the end of screen buffer
Shift + Page Up / Shift + Page DownExtend selection one page up / down

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Copy and Paste (Expanded with Windows 10)

Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl + CCopy Text
Ctrl + VPaste Text

Navigate Text

Shortcut KeysFunctions
Home / EndJump to beginning, jump to end of the line
Ctrl + Arrow Left / Arrow RightJump to next / jump to previous Word
Ctrl + Arrow Up / Arrow DownScroll screen up / Scroll screen down

Enter and Manipulate Text

Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete word left to the Cursor
F2, then a…zFrom current cursor position , delete up to letter selected
TabAutocomplete Folder Name
EscapeClear current line
InsToggle Insert Mode
Ctrl + EndDelete from cursor position to end of line
Ctrl + HomeDelete from cursor position to beginning of line
Ctrl + ZSignal end of Line; text afterwards will be ignored

Recall Commands

Shortcut KeysFunctions
Arrow Up / Arrow DownScroll through previously used commands
Arrow Right (or F1)Type previous command character by character. Press and hold works too.
F2, then a…zRe-type previous command up to letter selected
F3Repeat previous Command
F7Show history of prevoius commands
Alt + F7Clear Command History
F8Move backwards in command history for commands matching current command

Smileys Key Commands List

Shortcut KeysFunctions
:-)Basic smiley
;-)Winky smiley
:-(Frowning smiley
:-IIndifferent smiley
:->User just made a really biting sarcastic remark Worse than a :-)
>:->User just made a really devilish remark
>;->Winky and devil combined A very lewd remark was just made
:-cReal unhappy
:-CJust totally unbelieving
:-wSpeak with forked tongue
:-rSticking tongue out
:-TKeeping a straight face
;-)Sardonic Incredulity
:-DSaid with a smile
:-xKiss kiss
:-"Pursing lips
:-#My lips are sealed
:-XA big wet kiss!
:-PTongue hanging out in anticipation
:-YA quiet aside
8-|Eyes wide with surprise
>-<Absolutely livid!!
|-{Good Grief!(Charlie Brown?)
:-}Thish wine tashted pretty good
8-]wow, maaan
8-OOmigod!! (done after rm -rf * ?)
|~(Someone just busted my nose
:^DGreat! I like it!
B-DServes you right, dummy!!
(-:User is left handed
%-)User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight
:*)User is drunk
[:]User is a robot
8-)User is wearing sunglasses
::-)User wears normal glasses
8:-)User is a little girl
:-)-8User is a Big girl
:-{)User has a mustache
:-{}User wears lipstick
{:-)User wears a toupee
}:-(Toupee in an updraft
:-[User is a Vampire
:-EBucktoothed vampire
:-FBucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing
:-7User just made a wry statement
:-*User just ate something sour
;-(User is crying
;-)User is so happy, s/he is crying
:-@User is screaming
:-#User wears braces
:^)User has a broken nose
:<)User is from an Ivy League School
+-:-)User is the Pope or holds some other religious office
:-&User is tongue tied
`:-)User shaved one of his eyebrows off this morning
,:-)Same thing other side
|-IUser is asleep
|-OUser is yawning/snoring
:-QUser is a smoker
:-?User smokes a pipe
O-)Megaton Man On Patrol! (or else, user is a scuba diver)
O :-)User is an angel (at heart, at least)
:-SUser just made an incoherent statement
:-DUser is laughing (at you!)
:-XUser's lips are sealed
:-CUser is really bummed
:-/User is skeptical
C=:-)User is a chef
@=User is pro-nuclear war
*<:- span="">User is wearing a Santa Claus Hat
:-oUh oh!
(8-oIt's Mr Bill!
*:o)And Bozo the Clown!
3:]Pet smiley
3:[Mean Pet smiley
d8=Your pet beaver is wearing goggles and a hard hat
E-:-)User is a Ham radio operator
:-9User is licking his/her lips
%-6User is braindead
[:-)User is wearing a walkman
(:IUser is an egghead
<:-i span="">User is a dunce
K:PUser is a little kid with a propeller beenie
@:-)User is wearing a turban
:-0No Yelling! (Quiet Lab)
:-:Mutant Smiley
The invisible smiley
.-)User only has one eye
,-)Ditto but he's winking
X-(User just died
C=}>;*{O)Mega-Smiley A drunk, devilish chef with a toupee in an updraft, with a mustache and a double chin
>:] -Gleep a friendly midget smiley who will gladly be your friend
:) -Happy
:> -hmm, let me think
:D -Laughter
:I -Hmmm, not funny!
:( -Sad
:[ -Real Downer
:< -what pretences!
:{ -oh boy, the headmaster!
:O -Yelling
;( -Crying
[] -Hugs and
:* -Kisses
:-`smiley spitting out its chewing tobacco
:-!"smiley drooling
:-$smiley face with it's mouth wired shut
:-6smiley after eating something sour
8-)smiley swimmer
:-*smiley after eating something bitter
:-&smiley which is tongue-tied
:-0smiley orator
(:-(unsmiley frowning
=:-)smiley punk-rocker
=:-((real punk rockers don't smile)
+-:-)smiley priest
:-osmiley singing national anthem
:-psmiley sticking its tongue out (at you!)
:-[un-smiley blockhead
:-]smiley blockhead
:-{smiley variation on a theme
{:-)smiley with its hair parted in the middle
}:-)above in an updraft
g-)smiley with pince-nez glasses
:-\undecided smiley
:-/lefty undecided smiley
:-|have an ordinary day smiley
;-)winking smiley
:-<real sad smiley
:-x &quot;my lips are sealed smiley
:-cbummed out smiley
:-vtalking head smiley
:-?smilely smoking a pipe
0-)smiley cyclops (scuba diver?)
:<midget unsmiley
:>midget smiley
:-)ha ha
~~:-(net flame
|-)hee hee
|-Dho ho
:->hey hey
:-( boo hoo X-(net suicide
:-Ouh oh
>:-Inet startrek
:-Pnyah nyah
3:o[net pets
>:)a little devil
%-|been working all night
::-)wears glasses
}:-(bull headed
:-{)has a mustache
:-Dbig smile
C|:-=Charlie Chaplin
=|:-)=Abe Lincoln
:-Wspeak with forked tongue
:-@ &127;I swear
:-Xmy lips are sealed
:-Creally bummed out
*<:- span="">Santa Claus
:-OMr Bill
:*)Ed McMahon
[:-)wearing a walkman
:-))double chin
:-7smokes a pipe
C:#football player
:-)8man with bowtie
:-()I stubbed my toe
:-( )You stepped on my toe
:-( )You backed your car over my toe
:-Qsmoking smiley
:-{mustache smiley
7:^]Ronald Reagan Smiley
*<:0 span="">clown smiley
:-)+<person smiley
:-O>-[]tourist smiley w/camera around his neck
:-~(smiley with a cold
:-)-osmiley doctor with a stethoscope
~~:|Smiley having bad hair day

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Mouse + Key Combination Shortcuts

Key Combination..Desired Action
Press 7 Move up and to the left
Press 8 Move up
Press 9 Move up and to the right
Press 4 Move left
Press 6 Move right
Press 1 Move down and to the left
Press 2 Move down
Press 3 Move down and to the right
Press / Select the left mouse button
Press * Select both of the mouse buttons
Press - Select the right mouse button
With the left button selected, press 5 Click
With the right button selected, press 5 Right-click
With the left button selected, press + Double-click
Point to the item, and then press 0 Drag an item
Press . Drop the item you are dragging

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Unix Shortcut Key Commands List

Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl+BMoves the cursor backward one character
Ctrl+CCancels the currently running command
Ctrl+DLogs out of the current session
Ctrl+FMoves the cursor forward one character
Ctrl+HErase one character. Similar to pressing backspace
Ctrl+PPaste previous line(s)
Ctrl+SStops all output on-screen (XOFF)
Ctrl+QTurns all output stopped on-screen back on (XON)
Ctrl+UErases the complete line
Ctrl+WDeletes the last word typed. For example, if you typed (mv file1 file2) this shortcut would delete file2
Ctrl+ZCancels current operation, moves back a directory or takes the current operation and moves it to the background. See bg command for additional information about background

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Mac OS Shortcut Key Commands List

Shortcut KeysFunctions
Command-XCut the selected item and copy it to the Clipboard
Command-CCopy the selected item to the Clipboard. This also works for files in the Finder
Command-VPaste the contents of the Clipboard into the current document or app. This also works for files in the Finder
Command-ZUndo the previous command. You can then press Command-Shift-Z to Redo, reversing the undo command. In some apps, you can undo and redo multiple commands
Command-ASelect All items
Command-FFind items in a document or open a Find window
Command-GFind Again: Find the next occurrence of the item previously found. To find the previous occurrence, press Command-Shift-G
Command-HHide the windows of the front app. To view the front app but hide all other apps, press Command-Option-H
Command-MMinimize the front window to the Dock. To minimize all windows of the front app, press Command-Option-M
Command-NNew: Open an new document or window
Command-OOpen the selected item, or open a dialog to select a file to open
Command-PPrint the current document
Command-SSave the current document
Command-WClose the front window. To close all windows of the app, press Command-Option-W
Command-QQuit the app
Option-Command-EscForce Quit: Choose an app to force quit. Or press Command-Shift-Option-Esc and hold for 3 seconds to force just the front app to quit
Command–Space barShow or hide the Spotlight search field. To perform a Spotlight search from a Finder window, press Command–Option–Space bar. If you use multiple input sources to type in different languages, these shortcuts change input sources instead of showing Spotlight
Space bar+Quick LookUse Quick Look to preview the selected item
Command-TabSwitch apps: Switch to the next most recently used app among your open apps
Shift-Command-Tilde (~)Switch windows: Switch to the next most recently used window of the front app
Shift-Command-3Take a screenshot of the entire screen
Command-Comma (,)Preferences: Open preferences for the front app
Command-DDuplicate the selected files
Command-EEject the selected disk or volume
Command-FStart a Spotlight search in the Finder window
Command-IShow the Get Info window for a selected file
Shift-Command-COpen the Computer window
Shift-Command-DOpen the desktop folder
Shift-Command-FOpen the All My Files window
Shift-Command-GOpen a Go to Folder window
Shift-Command-HOpen the Home folder of the current macOS user account
Shift-Command-IOpen iCloud Drive
Shift-Command-KOpen the Network window
Option-Command-LOpen the Downloads folder
Shift-Command-OOpen the Documents folder
Shift-Command-ROpen the AirDrop window
Shift-Command-TAdd selected Finder item to the Dock (OS X Mountain Lion or earlier)
Control-Shift-Command-TAdd selected Finder item to the Dock (OS X Mavericks or later)
Shift-Command-UOpen the Utilities folder
Option-Command-DShow or hide the Dock. This often works even when you are not in the Finder
Control-Command-TAdd the selected item to the sidebar (OS X Mavericks or later)
Option-Command-PHide or show the path bar in Finder windows
Option-Command-SHide or show the Sidebar in Finder windows
Command–Slash (/)Hide or show the status bar in Finder windows
Command-JShow View Options
Command-KOpen the Connect to Server window
Command-LMake an alias of the selected item
Command-NOpen a new Finder window
Shift-Command-NCreate a new folder
Option-Command-NCreate a new Smart Folder
Command-RShow the original file for the selected alias
Command-TShow or hide the tab bar when a single tab is open in the current Finder window
Shift-Command-TShow or hide a Finder tab
Option-Command-TShow or hide the toolbar when a single tab is open in the current Finder window
Option-Command-V MoveMove the files in the Clipboard from their original location to the current location
Option-Command-YView a Quick Look slideshow of the selected files
Command-YUse Quick Look to preview the selected files
Command-1View the items in the Finder window as icons
Command-2View the items in a Finder window as a list
Command-3View the items in a Finder window in columns
Command-4View the items in a Finder window with Cover Flow
Command–Left Bracket ([)Go to the previous folder
Command–Right Bracket (])Go to the next folder
Command–Up ArrowOpen the folder that contains the current folder
Command–Control–Up ArrowOpen the folder that contains the current folder in a new window
Command–Down ArrowOpen the selected item
Command–Mission ControlShow the desktop. This works even when you are not in the Finder
Command–Brightness UpTurn Target Display Mode on or off
Command–Brightness DownTurn display mirroring on or off when your Mac is connected to more than one display
Right ArrowOpen the selected folder. This works only when in list view
Left ArrowClose the selected folder. This works only when in list view
Option–double-clickOpen a folder in a separate window and close the current window
Command–double-clickOpen a folder in a separate tab or window
Command-DeleteMove the selected item to the Trash
Shift-Command-DeleteEmpty the Trash
Option-Shift-Command-DeleteEmpty the Trash without confirmation dialog
Command-YUse Quick Look to preview the files
Option–Brightness UpOpen Displays preferences. This works with either Brightness key
Option–Mission ControlOpen Mission Control preferences
Option–Volume UpOpen Sound preferences. This works with any of the volume keys
Command key while draggingMove the dragged item to another volume or location. The pointer changes while you drag the item
Option key while draggingCopy the dragged item. The pointer changes while you drag the item
Option-Command while draggingMake an alias of the dragged item. The pointer changes while you drag the item
Option-click a disclosure triangleOpen all folders within the selected folder. This works only when in list view
Command-click a window titleSee the folders that contain the current folder

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