Adobe Illustrator : All Shortcut Keys


Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl + NNew
Ctrl + OOpen
Ctrl + WClose
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + Shft + SSave As
Ctrl + Alt + SSave a Copy
Ctrl + Shft + Alt + SSave for Web
Ctrl Alt pDocument Setup in Adobe Illustrator
Ctrl + Shft + PPage [Print] Setup
Ctrl + PQuit [Exit] Illustrator


Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + Shft + ZRedo
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + FPaste in Front
Ctrl + BPaste in Back
Ctrl Shft Alt KKeyboard Shortcuts in Adobe Illustrator
Ctrl + K(under the illustrator menu for Mac OS X)General Preference


Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl DTransform -> Transform Again
Ctrl + Shft + MTransform -> Move
Ctrl + Shft + Alt + DTransform -> Transform Each
Ctrl Shft ]Bring to Front ( in Adobe Illustrator)
Ctrl + ]Bring Forward
Ctrl + [Send Backward
Ctrl + Shft + [Sent to Back
Ctrl + GGroup
Ctrl + Shft + GUngroup
Ctrl + 2Lock -> Selection
Ctrl + Alt + 2Unlock All
Ctrl + 3Hide -> Selection
Ctrl Alt 3Show All in Adobe Illustrator
Ctrl + JPath -> Join
Ctrl + Alt + JPath -> Average
Ctrl + Alt + BBlend -> Make
Ctrl + Alt + Shft + BBlend -> Release
Ctrl + Alt + WEnvelope Distort -> Make With Warp
Ctrl + Alt + MEnvelope Distort -> Make with Mesh
Ctrl + Shft + CEnvelope Distort -> Make with Top Object
Ctrl + Shft + VEnvelope Distort -> Edit Contents
Ctrl + 7Clipping Mask -> Make
Ctrl + Alt + 7Compound Mask -> Release
Ctrl 8Compound Path -> Make ( in Adobe Illustrator)
Ctrl + Alt + 8Compound Path -> Release

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Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl + Alt + Shft + MFont
Ctrl + Shft + OCreate Outlines


Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl + ASelect All
Ctrl + Shft + ADeselect All
Ctrl + 6Reselect
Ctrl Alt ]Next Object Above in Adobe Illustrator
Ctrl + Alt + [Next Object Below


Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl + EApply Last Filter
Ctrl + Alt + ELast Filter


Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl + Shft + EApply Last Filter
Ctrl + Shft + Alt + ELast Filter Dialog Box
Ctrl + Y (toggle)Outline/Preview
Ctrl + Shft + Alt + YOver Print Preview
Ctrl Alt YPixel Preview in Adobe Illustrator
Ctrl + + (Plus sign)Zoom In
Ctrl + -Zoom out
Ctrl + 0 (Zero)Double-click Zoom toolFit in Window
Ctrl + 1Double-click Zoom toolActual Size (100%)
Ctrl + H (toggle)Hide Edges
Ctrl + Shft + W (toggle)Hide Template
Ctrl + R (toggle)Show/Hide Rulers
Ctrl Shft B (toggle)Show/Hide Bounding Box in Adobe Illustrator
Ctrl + Shft + D (toggle)Show/Hide Transparency Grid
Ctrl + ;(toggle)Guides ? Show/Hide Guides
Ctrl + Alt + ;Guides ? Lock Guides
Ctrl + 5Guides ? Make Guides
Ctrl + Alt + 5Guides ? Release Guides
Ctrl + USmart Guides
Ctrl + ''(toggle)Show/Hide Grid
Ctrl + Shft + ''Snap to Grid [Pixel]
Ctrl Alt ''Snap to Point in Adobe Illustrator


Shortcut KeysFunctions
Shft + F7 (toggle)Show/Hide Align
Shft F6 (toggle)Show/Hide Appearance in Adobe Illustrator
F11 (toggle)Show/Hide Attributes
F5 (toggle)Show/Hide Brushes
F6 (toggle)Show/Hide Color
F9 (toggle)Show/Hide Gradient in Adobe Illustrator
F8 (toggle)Show/Hide Info
F7 (toggle)Show/Hide Layers
Shft + F9 (toggle)Show/Hide Pathfinder
F10 (toggle)Show/Hide Stroke
Shft + F5 (toggle)Show/Hide Styles
Shft + F11 (toggle)Show/Hide Symbols
Shft F8 (toggle)Show/Hide Transform in Adobe Illustrator
Ctrl + Shft + F10 (toggle)Show/Hide Transparency
Ctrl + T (toggle)Show/Hide Character Palette
Ctrl + M (toggle)Show/Hide Paragraph Palette
Ctrl + Shft + TTab Ruler Palette

Adobe DreamWeaver : All Shortcut Keys

Coding Shortcuts

Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl+EQuick Edit
Ctrl+KQuick Doc
Ctrl+Shift+EnterOpen/Add Line Above
Ctrl+Shift+SpacebarShow Parameter Hint
Alt+Click+DragMulti-cursor column / Rectangular selection
Ctrl+ClickMulti-cursor discontiguous selection
Ctrl+SpacebarShow code hints
Ctrl+]Select Child
Ctrl+GGo to Line
Ctrl+[Select Parent Tag
Ctrl+Shift+CCollapse Selection
Ctrl+Alt+CCollapse Outside Selection
Ctrl+Shift+EExpand Selection
Ctrl+Shift+JCollapse Full Tag
Ctrl+Alt+JCollapse Outside Full Tag
Ctrl+Alt+EExpand All
Ctrl+Shift+>Indent Code
Ctrl+Shift+<Outdent Code
Ctrl+'Balance Braces
Ctrl+Alt+NCode Navigator
Ctrl+BackspaceDelete word left
Ctrl+DeleteDelete word right
Shift+Up ArrowSelect line up
Shift+Down ArrowSelect line down
Shift+Left ArrowCharacter select left
Shift+Right ArrowCharacter select right
Shift+PgUpSelect to page up
Shift+PgDnSelect to page down
Ctrl+Left ArrowMove word left
Ctrl+Right ArrowMove word right
Alt+Left ArrowMove to start of current line
Alt+Right ArrowMove to end of current line
Ctrl+/Toggle line comment
Ctrl+Shift+/Toggle block comment (for PHP and JS files)
Ctrl+DDuplicate line selection
Ctrl+Shift+DDelete line (s)
Ctrl+JJump to definition (JS files)
Ctrl+Shift+Right ArrowSelect word right
Ctrl+Shift+Left ArrowSelect word left
Ctrl+HomeMove to top of file
Ctrl+EndMove to end of file
Ctrl+Shift+HomeSelect to start of file
Ctrl+Shift+EndSelect to end of file
Ctrl+Alt+`Go to Source Code
Ctrl+WClose Window
Ctrl+QQuit Application
Ctrl+TQuick Tag Editor
Ctrl+Right ArrowGo to Next Word
Ctrl+Left ArrowGo to Previous Word
Ctrl+Up ArrowGo to Previous Paragraph (Design View)
Ctrl+Down ArrowGo to Next Paragraph (Design View)
Ctrl+Shift+Right ArrowSelect Until Next Word
Ctrl+Shift+Left ArrowSelect from Previous Word
Ctrl+Shift+Up ArrowSelect from Previous Paragraph
Ctrl+Shift+Down ArrowSelect Until Next Paragraph
Ctrl+Alt+PgDnMove to next property pane
Ctrl+Alt+PgUpMove to previous property pane
Ctrl+Shift+NNew in same window
Ctrl+ReturnExit Paragraph
Ctrl+TabNext Document
Ctrl+Shift+TabPrevious Document
Ctrl+Shift+3Surround with #


Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl+Shift+NNew File
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+NNew Folder
Ctrl+FFind in Current Document
Ctrl+Shift+FFind and Replace in Files
Ctrl+HReplace in Current Document
F3Find Next
Shift+F3Find Previous
Ctrl+Shift+F3Find All and Select
Ctrl+RAdd Next Match to Selection
Ctrl+Alt+RSkip and Add Next Match to Selection

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Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl+Alt+IInsert Image
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+VInsert HTML5 Video
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+EInsert Animated Composition
Ctrl+Alt+FInsert Flash SWF
Shift+ReturnInsert Line Break
F9Compile CSS Preprocessors
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+=Add CSS selector or property which ever panel is in focus
Ctrl+Alt+SAdd CSS selector
Ctrl+Alt+PAdd CSS property
Ctrl+;Show Guides
Ctrl+Alt+;Lock Guides
Ctrl+Shift+;Snap to Guides
Ctrl+Shift+GGuides Snap to Elements
Ctrl+Alt+GShow Grid
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+GSnap to Grid
Ctrl+Alt+RShow Rulers


Shortcut KeysFunctions
F12Real-time Preview in Primary Browser
Shift+F12Preview in Secondary Browser
F6Freeze JavaScript (Live View)
Ctrl+Alt+HHide Live View Displays
Ctrl+`Switch Views
Alt+Shift+F11Inspect (Live View)
Ctrl+Shift+IHide all visual aids (Design View)
Ctrl+Shift+F11Toggle between Design and Live View
Ctrl+=Zoom in (Design and Live View)
Ctrl+-Zoom Out (Design and Live View)
Ctrl+Alt+0Fit Selection
Ctrl+Shift+0Fit All
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+0Fit Width
Ctrl++Increase Font Size
Ctrl+-Decrease Font Size
Ctrl+0Restore Font Size


Shortcut KeysFunctions
F4Show Panels
F10Code Inspector
Shift+F11CSS Designer
F1Dreamweaver Online Help


Shortcut KeysFunctions
Shift+F7Spell Check
Ctrl+Shift+LRemove Link


Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl+Alt+TInsert Table
Ctrl+Alt+MMerge Cells
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+TSplit Cell
Ctrl+MInsert Row
Ctrl+Shift+AInsert Column
Ctrl+Shift+MDelete Row
Ctrl+Shift+-Delete Column
Ctrl+Shift+]Increase Column Span
Ctrl+Shift+[Decrease Column Span

Site Management

Shortcut KeysFunctions
Ctrl+Alt+DGet File
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+DCheck out File
Ctrl+Shift+UPut File
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+UCheck in File
Ctrl+F8Check Links Sitewide
Ctrl+Shift+TShow Page Titles

How to Create a Hidden User Account

This tweak allows you to create an account which will be hidden on the User's Welcome Screen, i.e. you can't access or see that account unless you want.
To logon to that account you'd be using the old Windows Dialog Box similar to the one in Windows 2000.

Steps to be followed:
Step 1: Start Registry Editor. For this you can open Run Dialog Box and type "regedit" without quotes and press Enter.

Step 2: Browse to the following key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Step 3: Right-click the Winlogon, select New, and click Key. Name the new key SpecialAccounts.

Step 4: Right-click the SpecialAccounts key, select new, and click Key. Name the new key UserList.

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Step 5: Create a Value data type with Data Type- REG_DWORD [Dword 32-bit Value] such as:
DWORD Value Name: Type the name of the Account to be hidden
Setting for Value Data: [0 = Account is Hidden / 1 = Enabled]

Step 6: Exit the Registry Editor and Reboot your System.

NOTE: Even if the account is hidden on the Welcome Screen, the account profile will be visible in C:\Users as well as in the Local Users and Groups settings.

Create a Bootable USB Drive without using CMD

Most of you may already know about How to create Bootable USB Drive using CMD, if not you can that Tutorial from here.

1. USB Stick.
2. Rufus - Download it from here.

Steps to be followed:
Step 1: Download the software from the link given above and install it or just use the portable version. Open it.

Step 2: Select the USB Drive Letter

Step 3: You can provide the new Volume Label[Optional]

Step 4: Choose the Quick Format option and select the location of your ISO File, you can select other file formats too.

Step 5: Just click on Start button and the process will be started and once completed just press the Close button

That's it, Voila you've got your Bootable USB Drive without using CMD.